
Michael Jordan經典廣告 / Air Jordan

這篇文章,收集介紹Jordan經典廣告,包含了飛人標誌的起源,劃時代的Jordan一代鞋子廣告,開特力,麥當勞,以及be mike 這個當時被譽為史上最佳的運動廣告,和大鳥博德合拍的廣告,新舊飛人對決,What is love,That is why, I Succeed.等等。

1. Original Air Jordan’s Take Off (Nike), 1985

Air Jordan 一代,飛人喬丹標誌的起源。


Man Was Not Meant to Fly。誰說,人不能飛行?


Michael Jordan Air Jordan 1


Jordan經典廣告,櫻木花道的 黑紅 Jordan 鞋

2. Banned (NIKE) 1985

靠著Jordan球場上神奇的表現,Air Jordan 1 取得了巨大的成功,本來Nike預計的目標是三年創下300萬美金的銷售,結果1985年的銷售額便達到了1.3億美元,1986年時,已經銷售了230萬雙,成為了創造運動鞋歷史的開端。

當時的NBA有著統一服裝的規定,運動員要穿著與運動服統一的球鞋,並且,鞋子配色還要和隊友的一致。這雙黑紅配色的Air Jordan 1,是被NBA聯盟禁止的(白色的部分太少,太花俏啦)。

因為有著廣告效益的角度,因此,Nike就算被罰錢也繼續讓Jordan穿著,而這個 Air Jordan ” Banned” 禁穿廣告也因此更有名。

後來有另一種說法是被罰錢的是 Air Jordan 1的前身過度鞋款,不過廣告效益已經達成,也開始了 Air Jordan 鞋子和Nike的傳奇。

Michael Jordan Air Jordan 紅黑,那雙被NBA禁穿的鞋子

3. Rock-A-Baby (Nike), 1986

Air Jordan二代廣告,Nike刻意地淡化了本身勾勾的商標,而開始著重在Jordan鞋上,這個由意大利生產(注塑模具技術只有當時義大利可以做到),沒有黑色系列的二代,廣告由Jordan的另一個灌籃動作為原型,並把焦點放在腳上的鞋子上。

Michael Jordan , Air Jordan 2代,經典灌籃動作

4. Coca-Cola Treehouse, (1990)


Michale Jordan 可口可樂廣告

5. Better Eat Your Wheaties (Wheaties), 1991

1991~92球季,喬丹的第一個冠軍,打敗魔術強生的湖人隊,陣中的另一個大將是喬丹在北卡大的學長James Worthy,這個麥片廣告,就是在湖人輸球後拍的。

Michael Jordan 和 James Worthy 合拍的麥片廣告

6. “Be Like Mike” (Gatorade) 1991

經典的開特力廣告,曾被譽為最佳的體育廣告,一首 be like mike 更成為當時朗朗上口的一首曲,像Mike一樣打球,像Mike一樣追求卓越。


Sometimes I dream
That he is me
You’ve got to see that’s how I dream to be
I dream I move, I dream I groove
Like Mike
If I could Be Like Mike
Like Mike
Oh, if I could Be Like Mike
Be Like Mike, Be Like Mike
Again I try
Just need to fly
For just one day if I could
Be that way
I dream I move
I dream I groove
Like Mike
If I could Be Like Mike
I wanna be, I wanna be
Like Mike
Oh, if I could Be Like Mike

Michael Jordan , Be like Mike 曾被譽為最佳運動廣告

7. Is it the Shoes ? (NIKE) 1991

如果是長期的球迷應該會知道Sparks Lee,這個紐約尼克鐵粉導演的合拍廣告,問了八次,是因為球鞋嗎


Michael Jordan 和 Spike Lee合拍的其中一隻廣告

8. Hare Jordan (Nike) 1992

和兔寶寶的合作。廣告中,兔寶寶說,這可能開啟了一段美好的友誼。而多年以後怪物奇兵(Space Jam)的電影,兩個正式的合作了。

This could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship,” Bunny says at the end.

Michael Jordan with Bunny

9. Jordan play H-O-R-S-E with Larry Bird (McDonald’s) 1993



Michael Jordan with Larry Bird , Part I


Michael Jordan with Larry Bird , Part 2, (Barkley也來了)

10. 100 foot Dunk (NIKE) 1995

Jordan 11代的廣告,地心引力不是問題。(gravity is not an issue)。很有趣的一個廣告。

Air Jordan 11 廣告

11. Air Jordan XII “Frozen Moment”


Air Jordan XII 經典廣告

12. Michael’s Failure (Nike), 1997


“I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times I’ve been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed.

I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life.

And that is why I succeed.”

Michael Jordan “That is why I succeed”

12. Just Like You? (Chevrolet), 1997


Michael Jordan 雪佛蘭廣告

13. What is Love (NIKE) 2003


What is Love ?

Love is playing every game as if it’s your last


Michael Jordan ” What is love “

14. Jordan vs. Himself (Gatorade), 2003

23 歲 vs 39歲。



Jordan vs Himself commercial

15. 2006 : Let Your Game Speak


Michael Jordan “Let your game speak”

16. Maybe It’s My Fault (Jumpman) 2008



Michael Jordan ” Maybe its my fault”


Maybe it’s my fault.

Maybe I led you to believe it was easy, When it wasn’t.

Maybe I made you think my highlights started at the free throw line, And not in the gym.

Maybe I made you think that every shot I took was a game winner. That my game was built on flash, and not fire.

Maybe it’s my fault that you didn’t see that failure gave me strength, That my pain was my motivation.

Maybe I led you to believe that basketball was a God given gift, And not something I worked for, Every single day of my life.

Maybe I destroyed the game.

Or maybe,

You just making excuses.

17. Look me in the eyes “Become Legendary”


廣告裡出現的人 (Carmelo Anthony, Chris Paul, Derek Jeter, Rip Hamilton, Ray Allen, Joe Johnson, Andre Ward, and April Holmes. Narrated by Michael Jordan)

Jumpman , Jordan ” look me in the eyes”

Look me in the eye. It’s ok if you’re scared. So am I.

But we are scared for different reasons. I am scared of what I won’t become.

And you are scared of what I could become.

Look at me. I won’t let myself end where I started. I won’t let myself finish where I began.

I know what is within me, even if you can’t see it yet.

Look me in the eyes. I have something more important than courage. I have patience. I will become what I know I am.


Kobe Bryant 自己解釋 曼巴心態是什麼



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